Designated Offices, Names, Terms for 2024 Election


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the date, time and place for the annual Village election to be held in the Village of Great Neck Plaza is as follows:


            Date:   March 19, 2024

            Time:   9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

            Place:   Village Hall, Gussack Plaza, Great Neck, N.Y.


     PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the offices and terms to be filled at such election are (1) Mayor for a five year term and (2) Trustees for a five year term.


The following candidates have been duly nominated in accordance with the provision of the Election Law:


                      Mayor: Ted M. Rosen, 5 Longview Place, Great Neck, N.Y.

                      Trustee: Pamela Marksheid, 35 Knightsbridge Road, Great Neck, N.Y.

                      Trustee: Michael DeLuccia, 1 Town House Place, Great Neck, N.Y.


                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                                        VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK PLAZA

                                         Ted M. Rosen, Mayor

                                         Patricia O’Byrne, Village Clerk-Treasurer