Legal Notice: Re-Open Hearing For Exotic Smoke Shop


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Great Neck Plaza on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. will re-open the public hearing regarding the conditional use permit dated August 4, 2022 issued for the operation of the Exotic Smoke Shop located at 8 South Station Plaza in the Village for the purpose of reviewing the conditions set forth in the permit and determining whether they should be amended, modified, suspended or revoked.    


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT all people and agencies interested in this application will be given an opportunity to be heard at said public hearing.


                                BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                                VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK PLAZA

                                Ted M. Rosen, Mayor

                                Patricia O’Byrne, Clerk-Treasurer