January 20, 2016

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2016– 8:00 P.M.


Public Hearings as Advertised (Cont’d or New)

  • Consider the Final Budget and Salary Schedule for the Fiscal Year Beginning March 1, 2016 and Ending February 28, 2017 (Cont’d)
  • Consider a Local Law to Amend Chapter 225of the Village Code to Add Provisions to Authorize the Village to Withhold Processing of Applications for Permits and Variances in Certain Circumstances and to Expand Monetary Fines and Other Penalties and Sanctions Regarding Misrepresentations, Noncompliance, and Violations Related to Permits and Variances Issued by the Village (Cont’d)
  • Consider an Application by 14 Park Place, LLC for a Permit of Compliance and Site Plan Review for a Proposed Residential Multiple Dwelling to be Located at 15 Bond Street (Sec. 2 Block 331 Lots 39,40,47,48) (Cont’d) (ADJOURNED)
  • Consider a Local Law to Amend Chapter 225 of the Village Code Regarding Provisions for Affordable Housing Units in the C2 Zoning District (Cont’d)
  • Consider a Local Law to Amend Chapter 225 of the Village Code to Provide Certain Incentives for Affordable Housing Units in the RT Zoning District (Cont’d)
  • Consider a Local Law to Amend Chapter 225 of the Village Code to Provide Certain Incentives for Affordable Housing Units in the RD Zoning District (Cont’d)

Board Discussion, Authorization:

  • Authorize Clerk-Treasurer to Pay Claims on Abstract #2462 thru #2471- Total: $383,570.90
  • Authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to Advertise for a Public Hearing to Repeal the Local Law to Override the Property Tax Cap for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year