Parking FAQ's


 What are the Village's Parking rates downtown?

As of November 18, 2015, Parking rates are as follows:

  • Rate - $0.25 for 30 minutes in all meters on streets, in lots and garages, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday thru Saturday, excluding Holidays
  • Free parking in garage permit spaces after 5 p.m. weekdays, free all day on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays    
  • Lot #4 (Gussack Plaza) reconfigured: 2 hour meters – 66 spaces and 4 hour meters – 29 spaces (green striped areas)
  • All meters in Plaza Centre and Maple Drive garages, 2 hour parking maximum, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays
  • Commuter Garage Permits: $300 per quarter 

 Does the Village have a parking app?

Parking patrons can pay by smart phone in the three municipal lots using the Parkmobile app. The Village has an agreement with Parkmobile, a leading technology vendor of parking payments using a smartphone. With Parkmobile’s mobile app, available for iPhone, Android, Windows, Blackberry and Amazon users, starting your parking transaction takes seconds to download their app and register. Once registered, paying for parking is easy to activate your parking session. Also, you can opt-in for a text message to receive a notification 15-minutes before your parking session expires. This way, if you want to purchase more time, you can add more time to your parking space, provided you haven’t reached the maximum parking limit allowed, which is either 2 hours or 4 hours depending on the specific stall and lot your vehicle is parked in. The Gussack Plaza lot (Lot#4), across from Village Hall, has a green zone with 4-hr. parking; the remainder of the stalls are 2-hr. parking.

You can still use Parkmobile if you don’t have a smartphone, by calling their automated phone system, a toll-free number 1-877-727-5730, or their website Information on how to pay by the Parkmobile app is located on Parkmobile decal stickers on the muni-meter pay stations and on posted signs in our three open municipal parking lots. Parkmobile offers a more convenient way for people to pay for parking because there’s no worry about having to have quarters handy. It’s just an option; you don’t have to use it. You will still be able to continue paying the traditional way, with quarters and $1 bills. We are implementing this program as a means to make paying for parking easier, more customer-friendly and incorporating technology, which is the preferred way consumers now want to make purchases. With the Parkmobile app, the consumer must agree to pay the convenience fee, payable to Parkmobile, plus pay for parking.

 What if the meter reads "DEAD" or “OUT OF ORDER,” can I still park at this space?

Whenever you encounter a meter that is not properly functioning, it is always best to avoid that spot and find a parking spot with a meter that is working properly. However, if you are not able to find another spot then you may park your vehicle at a meter that registers “Dead” or “Out of Order,” in our short-term metered lots (4 hours, 2 hours, or less), if you first call and notify the Village and park not longer than the designated time limit. If your meter reads "Fail" that does not mean that the meter is broken. It means that your quarter did not register and you should wait a minute until the meter resets and insert another quarter. Note: Please call Village Hall, Front Desk, at 482-4500 to report a malfunctioning parking meter so we can investigate it and fix the meter. If possible, identify the meter number and location when reporting a broken meter.

 Does the Village have a printed Parking Brochure?

Yes, the Village has a printing Parking Brochure that explains our parking meters, where they are located, the hours of operation and what to do in the case of a “failed” or broken meter. Also, please be advised that printed copies are available for FREE on display at Village Hall and in acrylic holders situated in Lot No. 4 across from Village Hall (near the alleyway to Middle Neck Road) and in Lot No. 2 at the corner of Grace Avenue and Bond Street at the edge of the small pocket sitting area.  It might be helpful to keep a copy of the Parking Brochure handy in your car glove box or other compartment as a reference guide.

 When is parking in the two municipal garages free?

Parking in the Plaza Centre (Village Hall) and Maple Drive Garages is FREE in all permit parking spaces weekdays from 5:00 p.m. until 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday.  It is FREE all day on Saturdays and Sundays.

 Who is eligible to obtain permits to park in the Plaza Centre and Maple Drive Garages?

Employers and employees who commute to work in the Village of Great Neck Plaza are eligible to receive a Commercial Parking Permit. Residents of multiple dwellings in the Village of Great Neck Plaza are eligible to receive a Residential Parking Permit, one per household on a limited basis. To obtain a parking garage permit you will be required to complete the proper garage parking application and attach a copy of your current driver's license and current vehicle registration. Residents will also be required to produce two forms of proof of residency.

Cost:  Currently $90.00 per quarter (3 months).

 Where can seasonal and part time workers park for a full day?

The Village has created eight long-term parking meters on the rooftop of the Gussack Plaza Garage.  Please come in to the Village Hall during permit hours to purchase a $5 parking permit.  You will then be able to park at one of the 10 hour meters but you will have to deposit quarters into the meters for the amount of time that you want to park.

 Are commuters parking permits available?

(residents of the Great Neck Peninsula that commute via public transportation (LIRR) to New York City)
When space permits, the Village may also issue Commuter Parking Permits, on a first-come, first-serve basis, for residents of the Great Neck Peninsula that commute via public transportation (LIRR) to New York City. There are only a limited number of commuter parking permits available, quarterly, and these parking spaces are confined to the rooftop of the Plaza Center Garage.   The number of commuter spaces is subject to change, depending on the season, and weather conditions.  Also, the number fluctuates depending on the availability of Commercial Parking Permits sold.  To obtain a parking garage permit you will be required to complete the proper garage parking application and attach a copy of your current driver's license and current vehicle registration.  Renewals of commuter permits cannot be done through the mail and must be done in person at Village Hall starting the 20th of the month (or alternate date if the 20th falls on a weekend) prior to the start of the quarter.  Commuter parking permits are issued on a first-come, first-serve basis and once filled persons will be placed on a waiting list.

Cost: Currently $250.00 per quarter (3 months).

 What are the hours to renew garage permits?

Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. Once you are registered with a quarterly parking permit, subsequent quarterly permits may be renewed by mail, except for Commuter Parking Permits, which must be renewed in person at Village Hall.

 What is a street permit and who is eligible to obtain one?

Street parking permits are issued only to residents of multiple dwellings within the Village of Great Neck Plaza.  This permit exempts you from the three hour parking limit between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the un-metered streets in the Village of Great Neck Plaza.  Please note that this permit does not exempt you from the street cleaning regulations or any other regulation on our streets, lots or garages. We also issue special street parking permits to residents of single-family homes.  These permits are slightly different, so please contact the Village Hall at (516) 482-4500 for further information.

 What are the hours to renew street permits?

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

 What do I need to bring to obtain/renew my street permit?

The applicant's current car registration and valid driver's license.  If the Village address is not on the license and registration, then two proofs of residency must be shown (signed lease or contract, current utility bill or a letter from the board/management company stating you are residing in the apartment).  The cost for the permit is $10.00.

 Where can I park my car when I am on vacation?

Your car can be parked on the street if you have a valid street parking permit.  Try to get a neighbor to move your car on the street cleaning day, which is indicated on a street sign where you park your car.  In special situations, the Village can issue temporary permits.  Please call the Village at (516) 482-4500 for more information.

 How do I obtain a handicapped parking permit or license plate?

A handicapped parking permit may be obtained for persons with a permanent or temporary disability.  You do not have to be a driver.  A registered owner of a vehicle may apply to get a handicapped parking permit issued in the name of the person with a disability regardless of the age; e.g. children with a qualifying disability, legally blind, etc.  Handicapped parking permits are obtained from the Nassau County Office of the Physically Challenged located at 60 Charles Lindberg Boulevard, Uniondale, NY  11553 or by mail, telephone their offices at (516) 227-7399. 

 Do I have to move my car for street cleaning when it snows?

Snow Storm Information
Please be advised that alternate side of the street parking for the purpose of street cleaning and snow removal will be suspended for 24 hours after the cessation of a significant snow storm with accumulation of at least 4 inches of snow as published by the National Weather Service.

The Village allows overnight parking in our municipal parking garages (located on Maple Drive and Gussack Plaza) when there is a significant snow storm to get parked vehicles off the street to facilitate snow plowing. Please be advised that these parking spaces are ONLY for Great Neck vehicles with a resident street parking sticker or quarterly permit holders.  Vehicles are not permitted to park in spaces designated for village officials, police or handicapped.  Vehicles having only a resident street parking permit must remove their vehicles from the parking garage by 8:00 a.m. following the snow event to avail spaces for garage permit holders.  Contact Village Hall at (516) 482-4500 the following day of a storm to see whether parking is being enforced, or waived due to the storm event.

In addition, please note that property owners are responsible for the snow removal from adjoining sidewalks. When removing snow from your property please do not put the snow back into the roadway as this inhibits the Village's efforts to clear the roadway for safe travel.