Board of Trustees FAQ's


 When is the Village election held?

The Village holds its annual election on the third Tuesday of March.  

 Do I need to register with the Village to vote in the Village election?

No. As long as you are a resident of Great Neck Plaza and are registered with the Nassau County Board of Elections, you may vote in a Village election.  However, you must be registered no later than 25 days before the election.

 Can I vote by absentee ballot in a Village election?

Yes, under certain circumstances such as illness, vacation, and military service. For information or to get an application for an absentee, please call the Village Clerk at (516) 482-4500.

 When does the Village's fiscal year start?

The Village fiscal year begins March 1 and ends February 28 or 29 depending if it's a leap year.

 Can anyone attend a Board of Trustees meeting?

Yes, these meetings are open to the public.  However, if there is an issue you would like to discuss with the Board of Trustees, you should contact the Village Clerk at (516) 482-4500 to be put on the agenda as a "Request to be heard" item, which are usually taken after noticed public hearings or other continued matters.  The Board of Trustees convenes on the first and third Wednesday of each month.